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Canine nutrition is quite a straightforward topic because dogs love meat more than anything else. But if needed, dogs will eat whatever is available since they are omnivorous.
Some dog owners want to give their four-legged companions fruit as a supplement. But some fruits may end up being harmful to dogs.
What about oranges? Are oranges good for dogs?
The short answer is yes. As long as you do not feed your dog too many oranges, they can have a positive effect.
However, oranges do contain fructose, which is sugar. This increase the dog’s sugar intake, potentially worsening any overweight or obese state. Hence, oranges should only be eaten in moderation.
Are oranges good for dogs with diabetes?
Fructose makes an orange slice more enjoyable for a dog to eat. But at the same time, it increases the amount of sugar in its blood. So, for diabetic dogs, oranges are not the ideal snack.
Of course, quantity is key. But even if you want to give your dog some orange to boost its vitamin C intake, a slice will not be that helpful.
A small dog needs up to 500 mg of vitamin C per day. A mid-sized pooch should get between 500 and 1000 mg, and a large dog should get up to 1500 mg per day.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an orange slice contains between 50 and 60 mg of Vitamin C on average, which is a very small amount compared to a dog’s daily needs.
About Fructose
A single, large orange slice can contain up to 700 mg of fructose. A few slices may not cause harm, but a whole orange may contain 9000 mg of sugar, which is way too much.
A diabetic dog should not increase its level of blood sugar beyond the range of 100–250 mg/dL.
Generally, the amount of blood in a dog is roughly equal to 7% of its weight. As an illustration, 9000 mg would be more than enough to cause problems to any dog that weighs less than 66 pounds (30 kg).
A whole orange would add 150 mg/dL (or more) to the current blood sugar level. This means that if the dog is not following a strict diet, the ingestion could lead to symptoms of diabetes. The symptoms may be severe if ketoacidosis has already developed.
Can you give oranges to non-diabetic dogs?
It’s probably okay to give your healthy dog a slice or two every once in a while, particularly if it enjoys it. But as with most things related to pet health, the best course of action is to ask your vet for professional advice.
In any case, you should never force a dog to eat fruit that it doesn’t want to eat after giving it a sniff. Usually, dogs don’t have good instincts when it comes to gobbling food, so if your dog doesn’t want it, it may be a sign that it could do more harm than good.
Food intolerance is a serious threat to a dog’s health and could cause much more than an upset stomach.
Fruit allergies are not out of the realm of possibility either. Sometimes, mild allergy symptoms may appear shortly after ingestion. Such symptoms may include bloating, diarrhea and itchy skin.
If you notice any changes, contact your vet and stop feeding your dog oranges immediately.
Oranges are generally safe to feed dogs, but the limited quantities that can be given won’t contribute much to their daily vitamin C needs.
While oranges do generally provide some nutrition to your dog, it doesn’t compare to real dog food which provides the dog with all the nutrition it needs to live a healthy life.
As with other fruits and foods that are high in sugar such as strawberries and apples, oranges should only be given to dogs in moderation (one or two slices at a time), and if your dog is diabetic, it’s probably best to steer clear of them altogether.
Thanks for reading. Are you considering feeding your dog oranges? Feel free to share your situation in the comments below.