Thanks for visiting Pet Citadel. Here you can get informed and get the help you need for your dog issues, cat issues, and other pet issues. Pet Citadel was started by Kevin Wainwright in 2018. Kevin is a dog owner, cat owner, and pet expert with years of pet knowledge and experience in dog training as well.

On Pet Citadel, Kevin is passing on all of the knowledge and experience he has gained from owning both dogs and cats, trying to sort out their issues together with his family, and also from training dogs (informally) including his own and others in his local area.

Kevin is providing tips, strategies, suggestions, tricks, techniques, nuggets of wisdom, and addressing many of the common problems and questions that the typical pet owner has, with a focus on dogs and cats. He’s also giving his honest take on various pet programs and products including training programs, behavioural programs, and pet supplies that are out there.

Whether you’re someone who has a lot of experience with their household pet, or you barely know what you’re doing and need guidance and a proper education, it’s our hope that you get a lot of value out of the content on the site.

Feel free to leave a comment under any of the articles on the site if you have questions or concerns. You can also fill out the contact form here.

See you soon!